Aotearoa Surf Lessons on the North Shore

Surfing is much more than simply learning to stand up on a wave. With surfing comes respect for the environment you are in. Spending time in the ocean shows you just how much power it and mother nature holds, and teaches you to embrace environmentalism.

We will educate you on the benefits of supporting the local environment and give you a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainability and the protection of our oceans.

Learn beach awareness and understanding the wind and waves; surfboard design and use, ocean entry and handling; catching waves with best practice body and hands positions; good paddling style and how to master the pop up technique; riding your surfboard in position/ posture, and much more!

Join us and learn to surf and respect all the incredible beaches and surf breaks that NZ has to offer.

Social Protocols

  1. Respect the environment - You will be out in nature for this experience so please help protect our environment by taking all your rubbish with you.
  2. Be a great listener - Have fun and stay safe by following instructions carefully.
  3. Stay safe in the outdoors - Your guides know the environment better than anyone and are there to keep you safe; listen to ALL their instructions, ALL the time.
  4. Be sun smart - Make sure you bring sunblock to protect yourself from the Kiwi sun (even on cloudy days!)

Cultural Protocols

  1. A chance to relax - This experience is one way Kiwis like to relax and enjoy life so it will seem very relaxed. Have fun, enjoy slowing down (away from work or study) and relax!
  2. Don't be shy - Kiwis are very friendly, open people so this experience is a great opportunity to not be shy, smile lots and make some new friends.
  3. Hello and goodbye in Māori - If you want to start practising some basic Māori phrases, you could try using ‘Kia ora’ (hello) and ‘Ka kite’ (goodbye).
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