Tandem Skydive in Auckland

Redefine freedom and escape reality at Skydive Auckland with the highest tandem skydive in New Zealand at a thrilling 20,000ft. Skydiving offers a challenge and a great sense of accomplishment. As well as facing fear and discovering inner strength, there is a great deal of mutual support and trust required.

Skydive Auckland is located in Parakai, an easy 45-minute drive from Auckland City. With free transport provided (subject to availability), Skydive Auckland is the ultimate tandem skydive destination in New Zealand.


Grab $30 off this experience with the promo code BeKiwi2022

Social Protocols

  1. Stay safe in the outdoors - Your guides know the environment better than anyone and are there to keep you safe; listen to ALL their instructions, ALL the time.
  2. Make new friends - This is a group experience so go along prepared to start conversations and make some new friends :-)

Cultural Protocols

  1. A chance to relax - This experience is one way Kiwis like to relax and enjoy life so it will seem very relaxed. Have fun, enjoy slowing down (away from work or study) and relax!
  2. Be on time - While the experience will be a relaxed one, make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to arrive early so you don't keep your guides and others waiting.
  3. Don't be shy - Kiwis are very friendly, open people so this experience is a great opportunity to not be shy, smile lots and make some new friends.
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