Urban Forage in Auckland City

Our Urban Forage (Mahinga Kai) with Riki Bennett starts with a guided walk to identify a range of edible plants and leaves.

Back at the New Zealand School of Food and Wine, Riki will explain and share in more details in an interactive presentation on local edible plants and trees, along with Māori food gathering traditions and culture.

The presentation is followed by a delicious special luncheon featuring traditional ingredients with a contemporary focus.

Local Auckland wines were paired with this menu.

Social Protocols

  1. Respect the environment - You will be out in nature for this experience so please help protect our environment by taking all your rubbish with you.
  2. Be a great listener - Have fun and stay safe by following instructions carefully.
  3. Make new friends - This is a group experience so go along prepared to start conversations and make some new friends :-)

Cultural Protocols

  1. Be on time - While the experience will be a relaxed one, make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to arrive early so you don't keep your guides and others waiting.
  2. Don't be shy - Kiwis are very friendly, open people so this experience is a great opportunity to not be shy, smile lots and make some new friends.
  3. Hello and goodbye in Māori - If you want to start practising some basic Māori phrases, you could try using ‘Kia ora’ (hello) and ‘Ka kite’ (goodbye).
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