Waiheke Island Haerenga (Journey)

The warm climate and white sandy beaches are perfect for safe swimming, picnicking or just relaxing. Fantastic walks, vineyards and scenery await you as you stretch out of your comfort zone for some very unique experiences. Zip lining, horse riding and stone carving are some of what makes this short tour a real taste of Aotearoa.

On arrival after a short ferry ride, you will be given a guided tour around the island to familiarize yourself with the landscape, and appreciation of where you are staying.

Eco Zip Lines is and exhilarating way to capture some spectacular views as you fly over the vineyards and trees.

We then depart for your accommodation for 2 nights at Wai-knot near Onetangi Beach.

You have 2 options to choose from for day 2: channel that inner sculptor in you, with a first hand experience at a stone carving workshop. Or, explore your horsemanship with a guided horse trek. These private tours include some of Waiheke’s secluded beaches.

Then, head down to the beach for some fish and chips.

Social Protocols

  1. Respect the environment - You will be out in nature for this experience so please help protect our environment by taking all your rubbish with you.
  2. Be considerate of others - You’ll be part of a group, so it’s important to be kind and courteous.
  3. Be sun smart - Make sure you bring sunblock to protect yourself from the Kiwi sun (even on cloudy days!)
  4. Make new friends - This is a group experience so go along prepared to start conversations and make some new friends :-)

Cultural Protocols

  1. Be a respectful visitor - You will be a guest during this experience, so please be respectful. Two important Māori customs are to take your shoes off indoors and avoid sitting on tables or pillows.
  2. Don't be shy - Kiwis are very friendly, open people so this experience is a great opportunity to not be shy, smile lots and make some new friends.
  3. Hello and goodbye in Māori - If you want to start practising some basic Māori phrases, you could try using ‘Kia ora’ (hello) and ‘Ka kite’ (goodbye).
  4. Sharing kai (food) - You will be sharing food as part of this experience, so please wait until you are invited to eat. There may also be a prayer (karakia) to bless the food before it is eaten.
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