Help out in Community Gardens in New Brighton

No gardening experience? No worries!

This is a great opportunity to learn new skills about gardening, sustainability and everything in between! We can find tasks around our community gardens that are suitable for people of most ages and abilities.

You could be weeding, pricking out seedlings, saving and sorting seeds, making signs or sorting equipment. Or you could be helping to repair storage areas, sheds, fences and watering systems. If you have any design skills or are computer-savvy, we might ask you to help us with marketing or organising and staffing our community outreach and education programmes.

The opportunities are endless!

We can offer you:
– Great company
– New networks and friendships
– Help you to learn a variety of new skills
– Work in a beautiful garden setting in the domain
– Fresh organic produce from the gardens
– Free workshops
– Exercise in the fresh air
– Do something good for your community!

For more information, please email

Social Protocols

  1. Respect the environment - You will be out in nature for this experience so please help protect our environment by taking all your rubbish with you.
  2. Be a great listener - Have fun and stay safe by following instructions carefully.
  3. Be considerate of others - You’ll be part of a group, so it’s important to be kind and courteous.
  4. Stay safe in the outdoors - Your guides know the environment better than anyone and are there to keep you safe; listen to ALL their instructions, ALL the time.

Cultural Protocols

  1. A chance to relax - This experience is one way Kiwis like to relax and enjoy life so it will seem very relaxed. Have fun, enjoy slowing down (away from work or study) and relax!
  2. Be a respectful visitor - You will be a guest during this experience, so please be respectful. Two important Māori customs are to take your shoes off indoors and avoid sitting on tables or pillows.
  3. Be on time - While the experience will be a relaxed one, make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to arrive early so you don't keep your guides and others waiting.
  4. Don't be shy - Kiwis are very friendly, open people so this experience is a great opportunity to not be shy, smile lots and make some new friends.
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