Great Escape Learn to Sail in the Bay Of Islands

Spend 3 days learning to sail with an experienced sailing instructor while exploring the sheltered waters of the Bay of Islands. Learn sailing skills, boat handling, essential safety skills, basic navigation and weather interpretation. Sleep onboard the boat each night; at the wharf at our sailing HQ for the first 2 nights and spend the last night anchored at stunning Otehei Bay in the Bay of Islands.
By the end of your three days you should be tacking and gybing, hoisting and trimming sails with enough of the lingo and understanding to call yourself a yachtie, and just maybe you’ll feel excited by the sport and want to continue sailing.  You’ll also obtain your Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) Level 1 Certification and the International Yacht Training (IYT) Introduction to Sailing Certificate. 

Social Protocols

  1. Respect the environment - You will be out in nature for this experience so please help protect our environment by taking all your rubbish with you.
  2. Stay safe in the outdoors - Your guides know the environment better than anyone and are there to keep you safe; listen to ALL their instructions, ALL the time.
  3. Be sun smart - Make sure you bring sunblock to protect yourself from the Kiwi sun (even on cloudy days!)
  4. Make new friends - This is a group experience so go along prepared to start conversations and make some new friends :-)

Cultural Protocols

  1. A chance to relax - This experience is one way Kiwis like to relax and enjoy life so it will seem very relaxed. Have fun, enjoy slowing down (away from work or study) and relax!
  2. Be a respectful visitor - You will be a guest during this experience, so please be respectful. Two important Māori customs are to take your shoes off indoors and avoid sitting on tables or pillows.
  3. Don't be shy - Kiwis are very friendly, open people so this experience is a great opportunity to not be shy, smile lots and make some new friends.
  4. Permission for photos - If you are taking photos that include other people, always ask them first if they are happy for their photograph to be taken.
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